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The Metrans company, a subsidiary of Hamburger Hafen und Logistik (HHLA), has announced the launch of a regular rail service to Ukraine.

The company announced this in a statement, the CFTS portal reports.

The service operates between the Ukrainian border town of Mostyska and the Polish town of Medyka.

This route is part of an initiative to establish regular rail connections between European cities and Ukrainian destinations such as Kyiv and Odesa. HHLA operates Terminal CTO in these Ukrainian cities.

Metrans has been operating services across the Slovak-Ukrainian border since 2022, transporting various types of freight in both directions.

The train will run regularly.

"The regular service is planned to run between the Metrans terminal in Dabrowa Gornicza in Poland and Mostyska in Ukraine, supporting further cargo distribution within Europe and Ukraine," Metrans said.