

Details Of Breakdowns Of Hyundai Trains Disclosed

Trains were withdrawn from service after "cracks in the baseplate of the bracket of the secondary suspension’s shock absorber and cracks in the body bolster of the car underframe" were discovered in one of the trains.

Crimean Ports To Be Exempted From Customs Duties And Taxes

Crimean ports are to be given preferential treatment

Russia To Introduce Prepayment For Gas Supplies To Ukraine In June

The deadline for Ukraine to pay for the gas supplied to it expired on May 7.


Orest Klimpush
A Roadmap for Seaports

Orest Klimpush, Ukraine’s first minister of transport and currently the head of the Federation of Transport Employers of Ukraine, discusses the roadmap that his organization prepared with the aim of optimizing the operations of seaports.

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