
As reported in 2017, Ukraine, represented by the state-owned Black Sea Shipping Company (BLASCO), owns 38% of the Lotus port in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).

As the CFTS portal reports, as of 2019, the then leadership of the Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure was considering developing the port with the participation of Ukraine. In the same period, Ukraine earned dividends of USD 250,000 for 2012-2016 and USD 140,000 for 2017 from the Vietnamese port following negotiations.

The CFTS portal requested information from the Ukrainian Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure on whether Ukraine continues to earn dividends from the operation of the port, whether there are current contacts between the ministry and the Vietnamese side to maintain Ukraine's control over this asset, and plans for the development of the port.

In its response to the information request, the ministry said in a statement that control of the Black Sea Shipping Company has been transferred from the ministry to the State Property Fund of Ukraine in accordance with a Cabinet of Ministers directive dated 10 January 2023. According to the statement, the State Property Fund is currently the governing body of the Black Sea Shipping Company, through which Ukraine owns (or used to own) a stake in the port of Lotus.

Since the ministry is no longer involved in the port, it can be concluded that the state does not plan to participate in its development.

The CFTS portal has sent a request for information to the State Property Fund on the current status of this asset and plans for it. The position of the State Property Fund will be published as soon as a response is received.

Earlier, the CFTS portal also sent the relevant questions to the Vietnamese port authority, but it has received no response. However, the official website of the port lists BLASCO as a participant in the joint venture.

It is worth noting that Russian President Vladimir Putin paid considerable attention to the development of cooperation between Russia and Vietnam in the maritime sector during his recent visit to Vietnam. In particular, further development of the maritime corridor between Vladivostok and Ho Chi Minh City was discussed during the visit.