
The website of the Ukrainian company Ukrferry, a ferry operator on the Black Sea, has published information about the company’s ferry service on the Chornomorsk - Batumi (Georgia) route, which is scheduled to begin in July this year.

Specifically, ferry departures from Chornomorsk are scheduled for 9, 16, 23, and 30 July. In the opposite direction, ferry departures are scheduled for 13, 20, and 27 July. The Kaunas ferry will serve the route.

As previously reported, in March, the Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure discussed the possibility of establishing a ferry service on the Chornomorsk - Poti route. In May, the head of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) said that Ukraine was in the final stages of negotiations to resume the transportation of Azerbaijani cargo by ferry. This probably means that cargo from Azerbaijan will be transported by rail to the Georgian coast, from where it will be ferried to the Ukrainian port.