Screenshot - 15_05_2024 , 17_30_04

A wagon bearing the letter Z has been unhitched from a freight train carrying goods to Russia's Kaliningrad region at the Kena railway border crossing in Lithuania.

The Lithuanian State Border Guard Service announced this in a statement, the CFTS portal reports.

The freight train came from Belarus.

Border guards noticed that one of the wagons bore the letter Z, which has become a symbol of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

They unhitched the wagon from the train and did not allow it to enter Lithuania.

In Lithuania, the public display of the St. George's ribbon, the letters Z and V, and other symbols promoting military aggression is punishable by a fine.

In 2022, Lithuanian border guards did not allow five Russian freight cars from the Kaliningrad region to pass through Lithuanian territory. At that time, the symbols of the Russian airborne troops were spotted on the freight cars.