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Despite sanctions on other types of steel products, Russian railway wheels continue to enter the EU market. Meanwhile, the Russians can dump and supply railway products at prices significantly lower than Ukrainian prices due to significantly lower energy prices.

Oleksandr Harkavyi, director of the Railway Products Division at Interpipe, stated this in an interview with the CFTS portal.

"This is paradoxical because the EU has imposed sanctions on almost all metal products of Russian origin. Surprisingly, however, railway wheels and wheelsets have been spared," he said.

"At the same time, no European manufacturer is against these sanctions, but no one is initiating measures to remove Russian products, which are also delivered at dumping prices, from the market," Harkavyi added.

Earlier this year, lawmakers from Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States called on the European Union to impose sanctions on Russian steel slabs and pig iron. Earlier, the CEO of Metinvest Group said that the EU should extend the ban on imports of Russian rolled steel to slabs in 2024.