The Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company (UDP) has announced that it is beginning cooperation with the Orlivka-Isaccea ferry complex, the CFTS portal reports.

According to the company, the Orlivka-Isaccea ferry complex turned into a cargo terminal, a river-sea hub, and a new loading/unloading complex for ships and barges last year.


"The ferry complex has been operating as a port for several months. A transshipment complex was established in Orlivka at the end of last year, and it is already operating successfully," the company said in a statement.

The complex began operation in the second half of September 2022. Since then, it has transshipped over 50,000 tons of cargo from both river and sea vessels (because the draft there is greater than the draft at the port of Reni).

"The transshipment complex was included in the Reni port’s water area in November. However, the owners of Orlivka have a direct contract with the Delta Lotsman company for the pilotage of vessels from the Bystre estuary and a direct contract with the USPA for operation and agency services. An application for the status of a marine terminal has now been submitted," the company said.

The amount of investment in it is more than USD 2 million, and its development is continuing. In particular, the construction of large warehouses for one-time storage of 15,000 tons of goods has begun.

"Opposite, Romania is building the port of Isaccea across the Danube River, which will house a large universal marine terminal. There is public investment in it, and a concession tender for it will be announced in the coming months. A unique infrastructure facility in which two ports belonging to the two countries will be located opposite each other will thus emerge. This will make it possible to relieve the load on checkpoints, where many grain trucks are currently piled up," the shipping company said.