1068 A public discussion on the future development of the Ukrainian Railways joint-stock company (Ukrzaliznytsia) has taken place at the Ukrainian Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories.

The public discussion focused on the draft “Strategy for the Development of the Production Capacities of Ukrainian Railways in the Period Until 2030,” the CFTS portal reports.

The public discussion was hosted by Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories Andrii Kashuba and Chairman of the Board of Ukrzaliznytsia Oleksandr Pertsovskyi.

The participants in it included representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, the European Business Association, the Federation of Railway Workers of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Federation of Transport Employers of Ukraine (All-Ukrainian Association of Transport Employers' Organizations), and the Federation of Employers of Ukraine.

The document aims to address the pressing issues in the restoration and development of rail transport.
The strategy places a special emphasis on the possibility of localizing the production of the necessary products and involving domestic suppliers.

"For us, it is important that the strategy not only takes into account the needs of rail transport but also stimulates the development of domestic enterprises and possibly even the creation of new facilities for the production of railway-related products. That is why we have organized discussions with representatives of Ukrainian enterprises. According to preliminary estimates, the implementation of the strategy will affect the development of 500 manufacturers supplying goods and services to the railway sector," said Kashuba.

During the meeting, Pertsovskyi presented the priority areas for the rebuilding and modernization of railway capacities and outlined the potential sectors for investment.

According to the head of Ukrzaliznytsia, the main problems today are the unsatisfactory condition of railway infrastructure, obsolete rolling stock, and industrial deficiencies (the loss of some enterprises that supplied the railway industry as a result of the war).

The strategy will focus on the following areas: development of 1435 mm gauge infrastructure; modernization of 1520 mm gauge infrastructure; renewal of passenger rolling stock; renewal of freight rolling stock; construction of a traffic control center; and development of a barrier-free environment.

The strategic investment needs of Ukrzaliznytsia until 2030 are estimated at UAH 408.2 billion. Domestic manufacturers can participate in 75% of the implementation.

Ukrzaliznytsia currently cooperates with more than 2,000 suppliers of products, works, and services. 

In February 2024, the supervisory board of Ukrzaliznytsia approved a new development strategy for 2025-2030.