
The Levada Cargo company has announced that it is organizing the transportation of railroad rails from Europe to Ukraine, the CFTS portal reports.

"We are loading [rails] from 1435 mm narrow-gauge flatcars onto 1520 mm broad-gauge flatcars at our partner project Container Terminal Mostyska," the statement said.

The company noted that Ukraine’s sole domestic manufacturer of railroad rails was destroyed at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the country. “That is why we are organizing logistics and showcasing our ability to adapt to challenging circumstances in collaboration with our partners,” Levada Cargo said.

In total, the Ukrainian Railways joint-stock company (Ukrzaliznytsia) is set to receive 25,000 tons of rails from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The rails are delivered by sea to the Polish port of Gdańsk, from where they are transported to the Ukrainian border. For this purpose, 2x45-foot InnoWaggon wagons are used. These wagons use a pallet system that allows rails to be stacked securely without the need for additional fasteners.