The aircraft is to be modernized before the end of the year. 14 April 2017, 12:14
The joint venture will be set for development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route 13 April 2017, 10:23
Operational dredging in the port was last performed in 2007 13 April 2017, 10:19
The toute will connect the Baltic Sea with the Black Sea 13 April 2017, 10:17
Tests are taking place at the Antonov aerodrome in the village of Hostomel 13 April 2017, 10:14
The train will depart from Kyiv at 12:24 and arrive in Przemysl at 19:03 12 April 2017, 17:39
The airport also handled 4,461 flights 12 April 2017, 17:37
The Kaunas Seaways ferry can accommodate 49 universal railcars and 50 TIR trucks simultaneously 12 April 2017, 17:36
The system will monitor actual data 12 April 2017, 17:34
Ukraine's government is to facilitate preparation of a production site for Skoda 10 April 2017, 12:24
The Nestroy vessel operates on the Vienna-Vilkove route. 10 April 2017, 12:21
Ryanair will fly to Berlin twice a week. 10 April 2017, 12:18
Nibulon will be able to transport up to 4 million tons per year 10 April 2017, 12:14
FIDIC rules will lead to simplification of the procedure of tender procurements 7 April 2017, 11:42
Ryanair would definitely launch operations in Ukraine 7 April 2017, 11:38
The Boeing 737-800NG aircraft became the 39th in the airline’s fleet. 7 April 2017, 11:36
The company now intends to develop corporate transport services 7 April 2017, 11:34
USPA studying the possibility of obtaining loans for financing acquisition of the fleet 5 April 2017, 11:11
The procurement is expected to cost UAH 1.997 billion 5 April 2017, 11:07
The largest amount will be invested in Yuzhny port 5 April 2017, 11:04