Tag: river
Cargo transshipment at Ukrainian river ports reduced by 5.4% to 3.07 million tons in the period of January-August, compared with the corresponding period of last year
Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin and Bulgaria’s Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov have reached agreement on construction of a joint crossing over River Danube.
The Ukrrichflot shipping line has begun coastal shipping of containerized cargoes (shipping between ports within the internal waters of Ukraine)
These draft laws will save Ukrainian roads from overloaded trucks and promote the use one of the most ecological modes of transport – river transport – in Ukraine
"We will begin dredging River Dnieper in July. The work there will last 2-3 months," said Pyvovarskyi.
The arrival of the 15-person inspection commission "strangely coincided with head's rejection of the deputy minister’s proposal to resign."
The volume of cargo transportation by UDP’s fleet in January this year was more than the volume in the same period of last year by 35.8%
After two years of operating at 70% capacity, employees switched to a full working week in August 2014.
Experts will analyze the economic, technical, environmental, and other aspects of the E-40 waterway between Gdansk and Kherson.
The company built a berth installation with a length of 105 meters and a width of 18 meters
In an in an exclusive interview with the CFTS portal, the Hermes-Trading grain trading company’s General Director Yurii Skichko discusses how the dredging of the River Dnieper will benefit the economy and why the revival of the Dnieper-Vistula route is beneficial to his company.
The company’s EBITDA may reach USD 9.3 million.
The East Poland House in Brussels has presented a project for restoration of the waterway from Gdansk (Poland) to Kherson (Ukraine).
The shipping company did not specify the expected transport volumes
In addition the shipping company intends to participate in a tender for repair of tugs
The shipping company was ready to lower its cargo handling rates for these types of goods. However, the root of the problem is political.
The corresponding decision was approved via the SPF’s order No. 1875 of 27 June 2014
Bids are to be submitted from June 13 to July 11, 2014.
Volik said that about 20,000 cubic meters of soil was expected to be removed during implementation of the project for dredging sandbars in River Dnieper (primarily in Dneprodzerzhinsk).
Dolhov became the head of the shipping company in late 2011.