Tag: river
Restoration of shipping was identified as one of the priority tasks after the liberation of Ukraine's territory.
Among other things, the funds will be allocated for the maintenance, reconstruction, repair, technical upgrade, and protection of navigation locks.
Currently, up to four block trains from Ukraine arrive at the port every month.
The plan is to build the port on the banks of the Tysa River.
The new additional route is intended to increase Ukrainian exports to the level they were at the beginning of the war.
A simplified law on the construction of new terminals was adopted last year.
The pipeline is being laid from scratch.
Vaskov also stated that organizing transshipment in roadsteads in Romanian territorial waters is key to increasing the River Danube’s export capacity.
The reservoir has become shallow, making it impossible to transport grain on water.
The port processed 391 ships in May.
The two countries are looking for ways to increase the number of ship calls at Danube ports.
These are the first special craft of this type to be delivered to civilian road workers; they were previously used exclusively by military engineers.
The areas of possible support still have to be determined.
The contract provides for the transportation of over 500,000 tons of cargo.
The company will also consider the possibility of roadstead transshipment in the region.
The Ukrainian Seaports Authority also stated that the canal’s infrastructure would be modernized.