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The ÖSWAG shipyard in Linz (Austria) has started the modernization of the Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company's vessel Captain Antipov, including the replacement of the ship's engines.

Photographs published by the Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company (UDP) show the logo of the Japanese company Mitsubishi on the engines, the CFTS portal reports.

UDP confirmed this and noted that the company will have the most environmentally friendly and modern fleet on the Danube. The Mitsubishi engines purchased for the company have been specially modified and fully comply with the requirements of the European emission standard ES-TRIN/StageV.

UDP added that other major Danube shipping companies performed modernizations earlier without taking into account the new European standards for river transport.


The Captain Antipov arrived in Linz under its own power. The Ukrainian team supporting the project is currently uninstalling the ship’s old engines and dismantling its 45-ton superstructure. Austrian specialists will perform the next stage. A crane will remove the dismantled superstructure. The old equipment will be replaced with new ones.

After completion of the modernization of the first ship, UDP plans to send four non-self-propelled vessels to Austria for similar work. The company intends to send them in a single caravan.