Tag: Berdiansk

Russia Continues Illegal Export Of Goods Through Ports Of Berdiansk And Mariupol - Intelligence

Ships loaded with grain head to Russian ports, where the grain is transferred onto other ships under ‘flags of convenience’ and transported to markets in Africa and the Middle East

From Rostov to Crimea: How the Russians are Building a Logistics Corridor Through Occupied Ukrainian Pryazovia

What we know about the situation in the ports of occupied Mariupol and Berdiansk and the railways the occupiers are restoring or building near the Sea of Azov.

Port Workers On Strike In Berdiansk

Workers are on strike because the Russians have not paid their salaries for several months.

Russian Occupiers Launch Grain Terminal In Berdiansk Port

The newly launched terminal serves as a hub for receiving and shipping.

Russian Occupiers Bringing Weapons Into Berdiansk Port And Exporting Stolen Scrap Metal

The Russian occupiers have also widened the road near the Sea of Azov, and they are attempting to build a railway to relieve the Kerch Bridge.

Russians Send 17 Vessels With Stolen Cargo To Mariupol And Berdiansk In October

The occupiers claim that transshipment in the occupied ports increased compared with September.

The Russian Occupiers Claim To Have Appropriated The Property Of The Port Of Berdyansk

Russian Barge Re-Enters Occupied Berdiansk Port To Export Ukrainian Grain

The Samarskaya-1 barge began appearing in the port of Berdiansk in April 2023.

Russians Again Loading Stolen Ukrainian Grain In Berdiansk Port - Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff

The occupiers are also transporting looted property from the Zaporizhia region in military vehicles.

Ukrainian Grain And Steel Being Loaded Onto 2 Russian Ships In Berdiansk Port

The occupiers continue to steal Ukrainian agricultural products.

2 Russian Ships Enter Berdiansk Port To Load Stolen Grain In 1 Week

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has confirmed reports of Russian merchant ships entering the port.

Russians Exporting Stolen Corn Through Berdiansk Seaport

The occupiers continue to appropriate Ukrainian grain.

Russian Occupiers Add Mariupol And Berdiansk Seaports To Russian Register Of Seaports

Russia also plans to add the navigable section of the waterways in the Kherson region to the List of Russian inland waterways.

Russian Occupiers Preparing To Ship Large Amounts Of Stolen Grain From Zaporizhia Region

They plan to export grain from the 2023 harvest.

Russians Continue Exporting Stolen Ukrainian Grain Through Berdiansk Port

A Russian ship carrying Ukrainian wheat left the port recently.

The Russian occupiers intensified the export of stolen Ukrainian grain by rail from Berdyansk

Occupiers continue to steal grain on an industrial scale.

Russian Occupiers Appropriate Kernel And Asket Shipping Companies’ Assets In Zaporizhia Region

Russians are using at least two ships to transport stolen grain from the Berdiansk port.

Turkish Authorities Release Ship Carrying Stolen Ukrainian Grain

The Turkish ambassador in Kyiv was summoned to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with this.

Turkey Detains Ship Transporting Stolen Ukrainian Grain From Berdiansk

The vessel belongs to a company based in Kazakhstan.

Russians Send First Shipload Of Stolen Ukrainian Grain From Berdiansk Port

The ship’s consignment consists of 7,000 tons of stolen grain.

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