
The Russian occupiers continue illegally exporting grain crops (at least 50%), metallurgical products, chemical products, and white clay (kaolin) from the Polohy deposit through the ports of Berdiansk and Mariupol, the CFTS portal reports.

The Russians and their collaborators transport these goods from the occupied territories of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhia, and Kherson regions. They transport the metallurgical products and kaolin to Russia, with metallurgical products and kaolin being transported specifically to Russia. This is stated in the article “From Rostov to Crimea: How the Russians are Building a Logistics Corridor Through Occupied Ukrainian Pryazovia,” published on the CFTS portal.

A source in the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense confirmed this information to the CFTS portal: "As of late May 2024, the occupiers are using the appropriated infrastructure of the Ukrainian seaports in the cities of Berdiansk and Mariupol. They are using these ports to illegally export grain harvested in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. To facilitate this, the occupiers have restored grain silos and carried out dredging works in these ports. In addition, products (sheet metal) manufactured by the Azovstal iron and steel works have been seen being exported through the port of Mariupol. Ships loaded with grain cargoes head to Russian ports, where the cargoes are transferred onto other ships under ‘flags of convenience’ and then transported from Russia to markets in Africa and the Middle East."

In comments to the CFTS portal, Ihor Barskyi, director of the Mariupol Commercial Seaport, said: "The occupiers are making every effort to restore the damaged port infrastructure and use it for their own purposes. The port, like the city as a whole, has suffered considerably from shelling and bombing. The occupiers have managed to clear the aftermath of the destruction from the area, rebuild the main access roads and railway lines, and restore the electricity supply. The water supply situation is more difficult. Some loading facilities have also been partially restored, but not all. The condition of the berths is satisfactory."

According to him, about 500 people currently work in the occupied port. The so-called director of the port is a Russian appointed by the occupiers.