The Nibulon company performed the ceremonial opening of the river transshipment terminal of its Ternivka branch (Ternivka village, Volnianskyi district of the Zaporizhia region) on July 2, 2019.

The company announced this in a statement, the CFTS portal reports.

The construction work on the terminal was performed in record time for Nibulon despite the difficult terrain and geological features of the site and adverse weather conditions.

"The enterprise that was built in the village of Ternivka will not only employ about 120 people, but also significantly reduce the cost of transporting agricultural products for farmers in the region. This facility alone is capable of receiving 300,000 tons of grain per year," Nibulon said.

The company invested about USD 23 million in the implementation of this project.

As the CFTS portal reported earlier, the Nibulon company now has its own grain carriers. The company announced a year ago that it was not interested in railway wagons.