The Alstom company has opened a new fitting line in Katowice. 3 December 2018, 13:51
The airport intends to introduce the "single ticket" option later. 3 December 2018, 11:04
The airline considers flights to the Israeli resort town of Eilat a future possibility. 30 November 2018, 17:30
The ticket for the train costs UAH 80. 30 November 2018, 16:55
The terminals will be located in the rear of the berth No. 8. 30 November 2018, 13:30
The FANair airline is no longer in the state register of aircraft. 30 November 2018, 10:02
A car with German registration numbers has undergone customs clearance in the Chernivtsi region. 29 November 2018, 17:22
Implementation of the project will be coordinated with Ukrainian Railways. 29 November 2018, 14:45
The aircraft arrived at the Zhulyany airport on November 29. 29 November 2018, 12:12
However, the period and thoroughness of inspections of ships could increase. 29 November 2018, 10:08
The ambitious goal is set in the Polish rail carrier’s new strategy for the period of for 2019-2023. 28 November 2018, 16:54
A competition will be held to determine where the pilot project will be launched. 28 November 2018, 15:31
All the proceeds from customs clearance of such cars will be used to cover the Pension Fund’s deficit. 28 November 2018, 12:30
Freight rates will be indexed automatically if the company’s requirements are met from May 1. 28 November 2018, 11:13
Acquisition of such a large number of new locomotives will depend on availability of funds. 27 November 2018, 15:04
The company’s Ukrainian office will engage in development of design solutions for railways and public transport for its parent company. 27 November 2018, 10:57
Martial law was imposed for 30 days. 26 November 2018, 22:31
The Boeing 737-800, which was manufactured in 2013, was issued a Ukrainian tail number on November 22. 26 November 2018, 14:27
The vehicle was assembled in Lutsk for the Banke Electromotive company (Denmark). 26 November 2018, 13:21
Among other things, the parliament extended the experiment involving the use of surplus proceeds from customs duties to finance repair of roads. 26 November 2018, 10:06