The largest numbers of gondola cars were built by the Paniutynskyi railcar repair plant 8 May 2018, 09:52
The transport aircraft will fully comply with NATO standards 8 May 2018, 09:49
The An-77 aircraft is a rebrand of the An-70 aircraft 26 April 2018, 23:26
The first batch of metal was transported from Kamianske to the port of Yuzhny 26 April 2018, 23:23
Investment in the new plant amounted to more than EUR 2.5 million. 26 April 2018, 23:21
The frequency of the flights will double on May 26 26 April 2018, 23:16
The first train departed from Baku on April 21. 26 April 2018, 23:14
The speakers at the forum will include Deputy Prime Minister Volodymyr Kistion, Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelian 26 April 2018, 23:06
Three options for financing the construction of the Great Ring Road around Kyiv are being considered 26 April 2018, 23:04
The bank would sign about 25-30 contracts in all sectors this year. 16 April 2018, 17:30
The first batch of vehicles is already in operation in Lviv. 16 April 2018, 17:28
UIA’s fleet now consists of 42 aircraft of various modifications 16 April 2018, 17:27
The port of Ust-Dunaisk received the first passenger ship of the cruise season 16 April 2018, 17:17
The frequency on the Kyiv-Budapest route has been increased from 9 to 14 flights per week. 16 April 2018, 17:13
The train is expected to be operated daily during the summer. 16 April 2018, 17:00
Flights from Zurich to Kyiv and back will be performed four times per week. 29 March 2018, 11:46
Two destinations are in Poland, the third one is in Germany. 29 March 2018, 11:43
The dredging will be peromed by Dredging Fleet company. 29 March 2018, 11:27
Ryanair will start flying to/from Ukraine at the end of October. 29 March 2018, 11:23
Vueling currently operates direct flights from the Kyiv-Zhulyany airport to Barcelona and Rome. 29 March 2018, 11:18