No details about the preliminary results are disclosed 14 October 2014, 13:14
The airport was certified as an RA3 agent 13 October 2014, 12:35
The train is expected to be operated 2-3 times per month. 13 October 2014, 12:35
Interest in cabotage has increased because of the destruction of the infrastructure of the Donetsk Railway 13 October 2014, 11:05
The decision is still subject to approval by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the State Aviation Service. 10 October 2014, 17:00
The relevant amendments adapt the national environmental legislation to international standards and eradicate one of the most common corruption schemes. 10 October 2014, 15:04
The manufacturer holds all the certificates 10 October 2014, 14:56
The Ministry of Industrial Policy financed only 5.7% of preparation for An-70 production 10 October 2014, 14:14
The company that will operate the ferry service was not named. 10 October 2014, 10:34
Transportation of Ukrainian goods by road to countries of the CEA Customs Union in monetary terms reduced by 16 percent 8 October 2014, 13:58
Trade unions have managed to recover more than UAH 40 million out of the debt by appealing to various institutions. 8 October 2014, 13:40
Violations of the labor laws are being observed at almost all the airlines in Ukraine. 8 October 2014, 13:06
After his release, Kruk said there was a plan to purchase equipment for an elevator jointly with Chinese businessmen. 8 October 2014, 10:35
Two flights will be operated every day. 7 October 2014, 14:59
There was significant lobbying for imports. 7 October 2014, 14:54
It has been preliminarily established that Antonov’s losses totaled UAH 502 million in the period from 2006 to 2014 7 October 2014, 14:50
A joint venture could be a form of cooperation 7 October 2014, 14:38
The list also includes building materials, agricultural products, agricultural engineering products, furniture, and others. 6 October 2014, 17:42
Projects by the Ukrlandfarming, Allseeds, and Mria agricultural holdings, as well as by the Portinvest holding at the Yuzhny port have been declared for implementation. 6 October 2014, 17:27
Ukrainian customs authorities began demanding documents confirming guarantee of customs payments 6 October 2014, 10:09