Additional trains have been scheduled in connection with the redirection of passenger traffic from the Crimea to other resort destinations 17 June 2014, 15:28
At the same time, this means that firstly, one Ukrainian port is suitable for the passage of vessels of almost all classes. 17 June 2014, 10:22
The tunneling speed currently reaches three meters per day because of the quality of the rock. 16 June 2014, 12:59
Investigators suspect that the OGB (organized group of bees) tried to reduce the swarm’s time of flight to one of these cities by attempting to seize the aircraft 16 June 2014, 09:40
Veselov worked as a representative of the AeroSvit airline company in the region from 1997 to 2000 and from 2004 to 2013. 16 June 2014, 09:18
first trip will be on the Kiev-Lviv route. 13 June 2014, 11:35
John Leahy believes that Chinese aircraft manufacturers will be able to offer serious competition to the industry’s leaders Boeing and Airbus in 25 years 13 June 2014, 11:33
Russian Railways is meeting the demand for transportation and Ukrainian trains are operating smoothly on all routes to Russia. 13 June 2014, 11:17
The aircraft fleet of the airline company Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) will reduce by approximately 25% in 2014. 13 June 2014, 11:16
There will be no equivalent in the world, not in Ukraine or even in America. 13 June 2014, 09:36
Imports of Russian petroleum products are already bypassing the Donbas 12 June 2014, 11:23
All the ports in Finland suspended operation on Wednesday. 12 June 2014, 11:21
Yuzhny port will be the deepest deep-water port on the Black Sea. 11 June 2014, 13:00
The Russian low-cost carrier Dobrolet (owned by Aeroflot) performed its first takeoff from Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport to Simferopol 11 June 2014, 12:37
Volik said that about 20,000 cubic meters of soil was expected to be removed during implementation of the project for dredging sandbars in River Dnieper (primarily in Dneprodzerzhinsk). 10 June 2014, 13:31
The shareholders of the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), the Russian-Italian manufacturer of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft 10 June 2014, 13:29
The Russian Railways has submitted an initial application to participate in the privatization of the port of Thessaloniki. 6 June 2014, 13:26
Ahead of the inauguration ceremony, the airport expects to receive flights carrying official delegations from 18 countries 5 June 2014, 16:29
For now, the maximum draft at the port is 17.5 meters. 5 June 2014, 15:18
"He has collaborated with terrorists". 5 June 2014, 12:53