Tag: Ukravtodor
The World Bank has already financed two projects involving repair and reconstruction of various sections of the M03 Highway.
The application currently has more than 39,000 registered users.
The State Automobile Road Service (Ukravtodor) has launched a search for an investor in construction of the first concession road in Ukraine, which will connect Lvov and Krakovets.
Privatization of the assets of the state automobile road agency (Ukravtodor) should take place in 2016.
Speaking about the need for a road fund, Pidhainyi said that revenues from target sources of funding should be accumulated into this road fund and that related amendments to the law will allow better control of budget revenues and their rational use.
This will allow accumulation of between UAH 4 billion and UAH 8 billion in additional funds for financing repair and construction work
Upon completion, the road corridor from Kiev to Kharkov will be fully upgraded.
There are no resources for building anything, and it is most likely that there will also be none next year
"Ukrzaliznytsia will not be able to move forward without privatization and modernization,"
The West is in no hurry to launch a Marshall Plan for Ukraine. The first "donor" conference on this issue will be held only in January. If the money is provided, then transport infrastructure will be a priority.
Local authorities will be able to manage the funds independently
"That is a very rough figure because we cannot calculate the losses of private companies"
The destruction of Ukraine’s roads will stop if it is ensured that the existing fuel surcharge (UAH 2.6 per liter of gasoline) is used for the intended purpose and if there is proper enforcement of size and weight requirements. What do officials and representatives of the automobile market think about this?
This amount is approximate because a full inspection has been performed only in the areas liberated from terrorists
The explosion occurred 64 kilometers into the road between 06:00 and 09:00 on July 24.
Preliminary information indicates that 705 kilometers of roads will have to be restored in the Lugansk region and 228 kilometers in the Donetsk region.
"If we do not do this, then our roads will never be satisfactory for travel no matter how much money is spent on repair and reconstruction"
Ukravtodor will be headed by its current deputy head.
The largest state energy holding, Naftogaz of Ukraine, and the State Mortgage Institution will also be monitored.
The largest areas of damaged road surfaces were found in the Odessa region