
2 April 2015

Infrastructure Ministry Introduces ‘Open Skies’ At Lvov Airport

The State Aviation Service will send the appropriate letters in the coming days. Any foreign company will obtain permission from its State Aviation Service and it will be able to fly to the city

30 March 2015

Freightliner Explains Circumstances Under Which It Will Enter Ukraine

According to Konstantin Skorik, it is specifically local operators - for example, Lemtrans and Ukrmetalurgtrans - that should be the first to feel the effects of the reforms, which will serve as a signal to foreign investors.

27 March 2015

Infrastructure Ministry Finalizes Abolition Of Corrupt Control Of Segregated Ballast

The order finally eliminates the corruption scheme that environmental inspectors have used for many years, which was based on illegal control of segregated ballast of ships in Ukrainian ports.

Soros Ready To Invest USD 1 Billion In Agriculture And Infrastructure Projects In Ukraine

"I stand ready. There are concrete investment ideas, for example in agriculture and infrastructure projects. I would put in USD 1 billion... ," said Soros.

26 March 2015

New Strategy For Development Of Port Industry Being Prepared - Vaskov

According to Vaskov, the ministry has created a new strategic development department, its formation is being finalized, and it will probably be announced together with the new strategy.

23 March 2015

Only Top Managers Of FBI And Deutsche Bahn Can Change Ukrzaliznytsia Quickly - Blank

"The system can be changed if one of the top managers of Deutsche Bahn comes and a top manager of the FBI is assigned to him. That is when I will believe that change of the system will be as fast as possible and as effective as possible," he said.

19 March 2015

40% Of Ukraine's Grain Exports Go To EU

According to the president of UGA, it is followed by North Africa and the Middle East.

18 March 2015

Gems From Russian Railways Director’s Lecture On ‘Globalization And Capitalism’

Some of his remarks are very interesting because they provide a better understanding of the mentality and mindset of the current head of Russian Railways.

17 March 2015

Ukraine And Kryukov Railcar Building Works To Test Tarpan Trains At Speed Of 200 Km/h

Ukraine And Kryukov Railcar Building Works To Test Tarpan Trains At Speed Of 200 Km/h

16 March 2015

Gibraltar Issue Related To Signing Of ‘Open Skies’ Agreement With EU Remains Unresolved

Spain’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Ignacio Ibanez said that the Spanish side was open to dialogue and that it was interested in signing the agreement on a Common Aviation Area.

Finance Ministry Seeking To Restructure Ukrzaliznytsia Bonds

The state-owned banks and Ukrzaliznytsia will hold consultations with creditors on the terms of restructuring their debts as separate legal entities.

12 March 2015

Ukrzaliznytsia Lacks UAH 550 Million For Financing Repair Of Freight Cars This Year

In addition, according to Kava, UAH 4.1 billion is required for re-equipment of depots.

Court Invalidates Procedure For Issuing Permits For Air Routes

The court’s ruling is subject to appeal to the District Administrative Appeal Court of Kiev within 10 days.

Ukravtodor Wants Return To Financing Road Sector From State Budget’s Special Fund

Speaking about the need for a road fund, Pidhainyi said that revenues from target sources of funding should be accumulated into this road fund and that related amendments to the law will allow better control of budget revenues and their rational use.

IMF Executive Board Approves Loan Of USD 17.5 Billion For Ukraine

The change in the IMF-supported program from Stand-By Arrangement to Extended Arrangement under the EFF, which is consistent with the more protracted nature of Ukraine’s balance-of-payment needs, will provide more funding, more time, more flexibility.

10 March 2015

Builders Drill 1 Kilometer Of Beskydsky Tunnel

Construction work began on 29 October 2013, and the facility is expected to be delivered in the first quarter of 2017.

DTEK Sees No Possibility Of Importing Coal For Thermal Power Plants At Current Tariffs

The cost of imported coal from South Africa is UAH 2,762 per ton, UAH 2,291 UAH per ton from Russia (DAP), the cost of coal at Ukrainian state-owned enterprises is UAH 2,111 per ton, at DTEK it costs UAH 1,500 per ton.

Ukraine And China Discussing Future Of Air Express Project

The Chinese side has so far said nothing, but we are discussing the possibility of channeling these funds to other projects

5 March 2015

Vessel Detained In Kherson After Entering Occupied Crimea

The vessel was detained because of poor seaworthiness, but he added that the vessel earlier entered ports in the occupied Crimea.

Kiev Decides Return City Commuter Rail To Infrastructure Ministry, Kievpastrans, municipal transport, Serhii Maizel,

The head of the Kievpastrans municipal transport enterprise, Serhii Maizel, told the city council’s session that this would allow the enterprise to save UAH 40 million per year.

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