Tag: automotive

Road Construction Supervision: Why Ukravtodor is Introducing Technical Supervision by International Companies

International engineering companies will now begin monitoring construction of roads in Ukraine. It is not cheap, but it should improve the quality of roadworks and bring Ukraine a step closer to the standards of international financial institutions.

One-Third Of Bridges In Ukraine Classified As ‘Partially Fit For Use’ - Ukravtodor

Ukravtodor plans to begin rehabilitating the first 30 bridges under its bridge rehabilitation program in May this year.

Interior Ministry Postpones Launch Of Traffic Enforcement Cameras In Ukraine

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has postponed the launch of traffic enforcement cameras until the end of the quarantine.

Raben Group supports the front line of the fight against COVID19

Raben Group supports the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in Europe.

Raben Ukraine started cooperation with the IBox payment terminal system

The company is expanding its payment options.

German Company Planning To Build Automotive Electronics Plant Near Kyiv

According to preliminary estimates, the new plant will create 900 jobs in the region.

Ukravtodor Involves International Companies In Technical Supervision Of Construction Projects

Companies will be involved in monitoring compliance with design decisions and road standard requirements, as well as in monitoring the quality of work.

Raben Ukraine and EDIN exercised shipment with e-consignment note

The companies executed delivery using an electronic consignment note in March.

Cabinet Approves Loan Terms For Ukravtodor

The loan funds will be spent on 100 road construction projects approved by the government.

FlixBus Plans To Launch Domestic Transport Service In Ukraine

The company intends to increase the number of international bus services from Ukraine, but an important goal is to launch a domestic bus service.

Winner Of Tender For Construction Of Zaporizhia Bridge Announced

The winner of the tender is a Turkish company.

Pilot Project: Mandatory Permits From Architectural And Construction Inspectorate Canceled For Road Construction Companies

The experiment is being introduced for two years.

Everyone Is Able To Use Driver’s Licenses In Smartphones From Now - Honcharuk

According to the prime minister, driver’s licenses and vehicle registration certificates are now available in the Diya mobile application.

2020 Will Be A Record Year For Road Repairs - Ukravtodor’s Head Oleksandr Kubrakov

The new head of Ukraine’s State Automobile Road Service discusses the three scenarios for repair of roads this year, the cost of repairing one kilometer of road, and the change of personnel.

Ukravtodor May Issue Eurobonds In 2020

Ukravtodor is considering the possibility of issuing Eurobonds to raise funds for financing construction of roads.

Truck Scanner Launched At Krakovets Border Crossing

A similar scanner was recently launched into operation in Zakarpattia.

Fines For Importation Of Foreign-Registered Vehicles Into Ukraine To Be Postponed

Fines will not be imposed until the beginning of 2020.

Bogdan To Begin Mass Production Of Its First Electric Bus

The company hopes to achieve success on the European market with the new bus.

FlixBus To Launch First Completely Green Route From Ukraine To Czech Republic

The German bus operator will launch an Odesa-Pilsen service.

FlixBus Low-Cost Bus Service To Launch First ‘Green’ Branded Route In Ukraine

FlixBus is very likely to begin operating buses branded in green livery in Ukraine.

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