Tag: Dnipro (city)

Dniprovahonmash Manufactures Flatcars With Modular Superstructures For EU Market

Dnipro Announces Tender For Supply Of Autonomous Trolleybuses With EIB Loan

It plans to purchase new trolleybuses manufactured no earlier than 2023.

Odesa Receives Second Low-Floor Tram From Tatra-Yug

Almost five months passed between the delivery of the first and the second trams.

Train With Open Inter-Car Passenger Gangways To Be Purchased For Dnipro Subway

The rolling stock should be delivered within two years.

Dnipro Planning EUR-378-Million Modernization Of Tram Network

The city authorities consider this area a priority for reconstruction and are looking for investors.

Dniprovahonmash Delivers First MultiBox Wagons For Operation In EU

The wagons are currently undergoing the necessary tests for compliance with European standards.

TAS Group Acquires 40% Of Austrian ТransAnt

Localizing production at Dniprovahonmash in Ukraine, TAS is launching the production of modern models of freight cars.

Ukrainian Cities Receive 34 Tramcars In 2022

These include 9 new and 25 used tramcars.

Russians Attack Pivdenmash

Russia also attacked Ukraine’s gas production facilities.

Russia Launched Massive Missile Attack On Ukraine: Energy Infrastructure Facilities Were Damaged

Having no success in the hostilities, the Russians once again resorted to terrorizing the peaceful citizens of Ukraine.

Kyiv To Provide 30 Passenger Buses To Dnipro

This decision was made after Russia destroyed the Dnipro transport company in a night attack involving Iskander missiles.

Contactless Fare Payment Introduced At All Subway Stations In Dnipro

The Dnipro subway has become the second in Ukraine, after Kyiv, to introduce payment of fares with cards or NFC-enabled devices directly at the turnstile.

SpaceX Rocket Launches Ukraine’s Sich-2-30 Satellite Into Orbit

This is the first of eight satellites that Ukraine intends to put into low-earth orbit.

Onur Begins Construction Of New Runway At Dnipro Airport

Preparatory work is underway at the construction site.

Onur To Build New Airfield In Dnipro

The contract with the Altis Construction company was recently terminated.

American-Ukrainian Antares Rocket Launches Cargo Ship Intended For ISS Into Orbit For Second Time In 2021

The launch vehicle launched a Cygnus automatic cargo ship with a payload of 3,724 kilograms into orbit.

Work Begins On Construction Of First Phase Of Airfield At Dnipro Airport

A private investor is simultaneously building a new terminal complex at the airport.

Agreement On Construction Of Airfield In Dnipro Signed With Altis-Construction LLC

During the tender for construction of the airfield, the company offered to perform the construction work at a cost 30.6% lower than the expected cost.

15 Ukrainian Trams Manufactured By Tatra-Yug Delivered To Egypt

The trams were developed according to the individual requirements of the buyer to ensure that it adapts to the country’s specific infrastructural and climatic conditions.

Winner Of Tender For Construction Of Runway At Dnipro Airport Determined

The contract with the winner will be signed in accordance with the law on public procurement.

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